
Use Jinja2 to render an addition to the CHANGES file.

This should be the only file that needs to import Jinja2, so if you want to do something else for templating, you can.

proclamation.render.combine_changelogs(before, after, project, project_version, release_date)[source]

Return the text of the updated, complete changelog file given pre-split contents.

proclamation.render.generate_updated_changelog(project, project_version, release_date=None)[source]

Return the text of the updated, complete changelog file.


Load configured changelog file and return the content for before and after our new entry.

We make a minimal default if we can’t open the original.

proclamation.render.render_template(project, project_version, release_date=None)[source]

Render the CHANGES template for a project.

Returns the rendered text.

proclamation.render.split_changelog_contents(project_settings, contents)[source]

Split the contents of a changelog file based on the insert point pattern.

Two strings are returned: the content before the insert point, and the content after the insert point, including the line that matched the pattern.